A Pediatrician in the Family - Why I Now Choose Direct Primary Care

By Madeline Hertz

Growing up, I didn’t understand why other kids seemed to go to the doctor so much more than I did. I would go for my yearly physical, the flu shot, and if I broke a bone — but that was it. I always found it odd my friends’ parents would rush them to the doctor just to have a rash looked at or because they spiked a fever. It took me awhile to understand how fortunate I truly was to grow up with a pediatrician in the family.

Reflecting back, I probably did see a doctor and ask about various pains and sicknesses just as much as any other kid. I was just lucky that I was able to ask those questions in the comfort of my own home. I didn’t need to go into the doctor’s office all the time, because my dad was right there. In fact, because he was there, maybe I even asked more questions than my friends and their parents, who had to squeeze all their questions into potentially hurried appointments in a busy doctor’s office.

When I reached adulthood and had to start navigating the world of adult medicine and healthcare, I was in for a rude awakening. Instead of just going to see my dad, I was now in a different state and had to go into the doctor’s office.

I have been dealing with chronic headaches for a few years now. This caused me to need multiple doctor visits with my primary care physician and various specialists. I had labs done, tried different medications, went to physical therapy; and the medical bills kept coming. It seemed like every week I opened up my mailbox to find another bill. What was I even paying for?

I would call my primary care doctor and we would talk briefly on the phone — another bill. Came into the office to get a referral for physical therapy — another bill. Needed to switch medications — another bill. Without my parents’ financial support during this time, the process of trying to relieve my daily headaches would have bankrupted me.

That’s why I decided to switch to a direct primary care doctor. Now, I only need to pay one flat amount every month. No more surprise bills. I know upfront how much my medical care will cost. In exchange, I get unlimited access to my doctor. I can contact her through phone or text, and together we are able to work more quickly and efficiently to solve my chronic headaches.

I now wonder how much money my parents inadvertently saved by not needing to rush their children to the doctor’s office at the first sign of illness or injury.

As a child, I grew up with a pediatrician in the family. Now as an adult, I am choosing to enroll in direct primary care to once again have that close relationship and ease of access with my doctor.


If you think a direct primary care pediatrician is the right move for you child, click here to start the process of enrolling in the Zest Pediatric Network.



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