Uniquely Zest



Meet Ashley!

There are a lot of expectations on humans of all ages, but particularly on parents and today's youth! As a previous special education teacher, licensed psychologist, and mother of 4, it is no surprise that these expectations often feel overwhelming or insurmountable for us as individuals and for our family units. As a parent, do you need support navigating all that confusing and contradictory parenting advice? Do you have a child in K-12 (or are you a teen) struggling academically or in connecting with others in a way that feels true to yourself? Have you experienced trauma and want to know how it impacts your daily functioning?

At A Poklar Ponders, we focus on bridging the gap between education, psychology, and development through parental coaching and support, psychological assessment, and collaboration with families and child serving entities (such as schools, community organizations, and extended family members.) We listen, then create targeted plans to meet YOUR needs.

Don't let those expectations of self, society, or others put you in a state of overwhelm. Get to know, and build upon, your strengths as a parent, as a student, as a human! Don't hesitate to reach out to connect and see how A Poklar Ponders may be of support on you and/or your child's journey to an understanding, and acceptance, of self!