Uniquely Zest



Meet Nicole!

I became a parenting and family coach because I believe in the transformative power in every person to become the best version of themselves for their children.   I am a mom of two children and my journey began many years ago when my own children were very young. Like most parents, I had many hopes and goals for the type of parent I wanted to be and discovered that the reality of parenting can make accomplishing those goals very challenging. Through this work, I have found that the journey begins within ourselves. The more that we understand ourselves and the way we are reacting to our children, the more empowered we become to create meaningful change in ourselves and our relationships. I am deeply passionate about supporting other parents in this life-changing work.

I am a Jai Institute Certified Parent Coach and have been trained to support families in creating the peace, connection and cooperation they are looking for. I am also trained in Conscious Discipline and enjoy spending summers helping at learning institutes for educators and parents.  

Upcoming events with Empowered Connecting

  • Bonding with Baby

    Live Virtual Webinar with Empowered Connecting

    Duration: 1 hour

    Bonding with a baby through consistent, meaningful routines creates emotional connection and security. Simple practices like bedtime stories, gentle massage, or singing lullabies can strengthen the parent-child bond, help the baby feel loved, and nurture healthy development and attachment. In this session, we will learn the importance of these rituals and how to incorporate them into everyday life.

  • Tattling - Why does it happen and what can we do about it?

    Live Virtual Webinar with Empowered Connecting

    Duration: 1 hour

    Tattling is a source of frustration for many parents. Join me for this one-hour workshop to discover why tattling happens and what you can do about it. We will explore the underlying needs behind tattling behavior and learn practical tools to respond effectively and reduce its frequency.

  • Finding Calm Amongst the Chaos: Tips to Reduce Yelling

    Live Virtual Webinar with Empowered Connecting

    Duration: 1 hour

    Every parent encounters challenging moments. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and frustrated and find ourselves in situations where we raise our voices and yell at our children. In this session, we will learn effective techniques to reclaim our inner peace and composure, empowering us to respond to our children in a way that creates positivity rather than regret.

  • Creating Confident Kids

    Live Virtual Webinar with Empowered Connecting

    Duration: 1 hour

    The way we communicate with and praise our children significantly shapes their self-esteem and self-worth.  Join me for this discussion on how our words and actions impact their development. Discovery strategies for creating an environment that encourages self-confidence and intrinsic motivation in children.

  • Navigating Conflict with Connection

    Live Virtual Webinar with Empowered Connecting

    Duration: 1 hour

    Conflict is an inevitable part of life. How we choose to engage with that conflict can profoundly influence its outcome. Recognizing that conflict in families is an opportunity for change and problem-solving creates connection in moments of disagreement. In this session, you will learn specific strategies aimed at understanding how to navigate conflict when it arises. Together, we'll work towards developing a healthy conflict resolution process that promotes understanding, strengthens relationships, and fosters a more harmonious family dynamic.

  • Nurturing Resilient Children

    Live Virtual Webinar with Empowered Connecting

    Duration: 1 hour

    Resilience isn't something we are born with. It's a skill that can be learned. Children who develop resilience are better equipped to navigate challenging circumstances, confront adversity, and manage stress in constructive ways. Learn how to use encouragement and positive reinforcement to create an environment where challenges are viewed as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles.





This is a 30 minute session provided free of charge to explore the goals of the client and make a decision if coaching is a fit.


One-on-one personalized coaching. All sessions are individualized to the client and their unique needs and goals.



One-on-one personalized coaching. All sessions are individualized to the client and their unique needs and goals. This is a three-week package.

One-on-one personalized coaching. This is a twelve-week transformational parenting program that includes weekly workbooks, vidoes, and one hour of weekly coaching.