Uniquely Zest



Meet Jennifer!

Meet Nicole!

  • Nicole Ryan Suppes, RDN, LDN



    Hi I’m Nicole! I started Good Soul Nutrition and Nourishing Litlles with you in mind. I wanted to create a company founded on the principle that perfection doesn’t exist, and striving for it is a total waste of time. Instead we should believe in ourselves, that the person we are tomorrow will be better, stronger, kinder, more compassionate, and loving than the person we are today.

    I graduated from The University of Akron with a B.S. in Dietetics and soon became a board-certified Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. I have over a decade of combined experience working in the food and nutrition industry. I currently provide nutrition consulting services for school districts, offer corporate wellness services such as virtual live presentations and cooking demonstrations, and also take on clients focusing on food freedom, intuitive eating and medical nutrition therapy for chronic disease.

  • Jennifer Hyland, RD, CSP, LD



    Hi, I'm Jen! I'm a registered dietitian, board certified specialist in pediatrics. I have been working in the pediatric field for 10 years. I have been featured in a variety of media outlets, both print and tv! I specialize in everything from infant feeding needs to children with medically complex conditions, as well as children and teens with eating disorders. I love to help kids grow :)

Upcoming Nutrition Education with Nourishing Littles

  • Prenatal Maternal Nutritional Needs

    Live Virtual Webinar with Nourishing Littles

    Duration: 1 hour

    Join us for an insightful one-hour presentation led by Board-Certified Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN) as we delve into the essential realm of prenatal maternal nutritional needs. Through evidence-based insights and practical strategies, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the crucial role nutrition plays in supporting a healthy pregnancy and optimal fetal development. Whether you're an expecting mother, healthcare professional, or simply interested in the profound impact of nutrition on pregnancy, this presentation offers invaluable knowledge to guide you on your journey to a nourishing beginning.

  • Starting Solids

    Live Virtual Webinar with Nourishing Littles

    Duration: 1 hour

    Discover the essential guide to introducing solid foods to your baby in our one-hour presentation, led by Board-Certified Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN). This comprehensive playbook delves into the intricacies of starting solids, offering evidence-based insights and practical strategies for navigating this important milestone with confidence. From understanding developmental readiness cues to selecting appropriate first foods and managing potential allergies, our expert RDN provides invaluable guidance tailored to each baby's unique needs. Join us to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to foster a positive feeding experience, laying the foundation for a lifetime of healthy eating habits.

  • The Picky Eater

    Live Virtual Webinar with Nourishing Littles

    Duration: 1 hour

    Unravel the complexities of picky eating and explore effective strategies to prevent and manage it in our enlightening one-hour presentation, led by Board-Certified Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN). Delving into evidence-based insights and practical techniques, attendees will gain invaluable tools to navigate the challenges of picky eating with confidence and compassion. From understanding the underlying reasons behind selective eating to implementing positive mealtime strategies and fostering a supportive food environment, our expert RDN equips participants with actionable recommendations tailored to each family's unique circumstances. Join us to empower yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to cultivate healthy eating habits and harmonious mealtimes for your family.

  • Female Athlete Nutrition

    Live Virtual Webinar with Nourishing Littles

    Duration: 1 hour

    Embark on a journey to optimize performance and well-being in female athletes with our one-hour presentation, led by our esteemed Board-Certified Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN). Dive into the intricacies of female athlete nutrition, where evidence-based insights and practical strategies converge to support peak athletic performance, recovery, and overall health. From understanding unique nutrient needs and hormonal influences to crafting personalized fueling plans and addressing common challenges such as disordered eating, our expert RDN provides comprehensive guidance tailored to the specific demands of female athletes. Whether you're an athlete, coach, or healthcare professional, join us to unlock the secrets to maximizing athletic potential and promoting long-term health in female athletes.

  • Male Athlete Nutrition

    Live Virtual Webinar with Nourishing Littles

    Duration: 1 hour



Zest members receive exclusive discounted pricing!


Zest members receive exclusive discounted pricing! 〰️

Nutrition Consultation - Initial

In this 60-minute pediatric nutrition initial assessment, our expert pediatric dietitian conducts a thorough evaluation of your child's nutritional status, growth patterns, dietary habits, and any existing health concerns. Through detailed discussions and targeted questioning, we gather comprehensive information to develop a personalized nutrition plan tailored to your child's unique needs. We address any concerns or questions you may have regarding your child's diet, growth, and development, while also providing practical recommendations for promoting optimal nutrition and fostering healthy eating habits from infancy through adolescence.

Nutrition Consultation - Follow-up

In the follow-up consultaton, we review the progress of your child's nutritional goals and address any challenges or successes encountered since the initial assessment. Our pediatric dietitian conducts a detailed analysis of your child's dietary intake, growth trends, and any changes in health status, allowing us to fine-tune the nutrition plan as needed. We provide ongoing support, guidance, and education to empower you and your child in achieving long-term nutritional well-being. Additionally, we offer strategies for overcoming obstacles and maintaining momentum towards reaching optimal health and development milestones.

"Snack Sized" General Pediatric Nutrition Coaching Session

In this succinct 20-minute snack-sized pediatric nutrition coaching session, caregivers are invited to engage in an open discussion, sharing any concerns or asking general questions about their child's nutrition. Led by our expert pediatric dietitian, the session provides a platform for caregivers to seek guidance for to their child's needs. Whether it's navigating picky eating, introducing new foods, or ensuring balanced nutrition, our session offers practical tips and support to address caregivers' concerns and promote optimal health for their child. Join us for a quick yet impactful discussion aimed at empowering caregivers in fostering healthy eating habits in their children.

First Year Comprehensive Package

Parenthood is a remarkable journey filled with joy, love, and moments of wonder. As a caregiver, you want nothing but the best for your little one, especially when it comes to their nutrition. That's why we created the "First Year Package," a meticulously designed service package to provide caregivers with comprehensive nutrition support throughout the pivotal first year of their baby's life.

Starting Solids Package

As a devoted caregiver, your unwavering desire is to provide nothing but the very best for your precious little one, with a special emphasis on their nutrition. That's why we've crafted the "Starting Solids" Package, a thoughtfully curated service bundle aimed at guiding caregivers through the exciting transition of introducing solid foods to your baby's diet.

Toddler Nutrition Package

At this stage, nutrition plays a pivotal role in their development, and we understand that you want nothing but the best for your child. That's why we proudly introduce the "Toddler Nutrition Package," a comprehensive service bundle designed to provide caregivers with unwavering nutrition support throughout the exciting toddler years.