Andrew Hertz Andrew Hertz

Cultivating Calm with Conscious Parenting

Conscious Parenting is a parenting style rooted in the belief that we can nurture our children’s growth and well-being by using tools and practices that promote safety, connection, and emotional intelligence. 

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Andrew Hertz Andrew Hertz

New Year’s Resolutions for Healthier Kids: Consider One of These Practical Tips to Improve Your Child’s Physical and Mental Well-Being

January is a logical time to reflect upon your parenting and your child. You don’t need to wait for a check-up to do this. Parenting is about constantly adapting to your child’s ever changing developmental, health, and behavioral needs. Parents consistently reflect on where they can make an impact, and the New Year is a perfect time to consider making a few adjustments. 

Unlike your personal resolutions, try making some resolutions WITH your child. And to model the behavior, let them know you have made personal resolutions too. Simply making resolutions public increases the likelihood of success.  

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Keili Mistovich Keili Mistovich

Cough and Cold Treatments for Your Child: What Really Helps

During this time of year, it sometimes seems like your children are always sick.  And in fact, this may be true with many children having 4 or more different illnesses during a winter season. Grandmother’s home remedies, childhood memories, and social media are all prominent parent sources for reccomedned treatments coughs and colds. But what is best for your kid? What will help them in their misery?   

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Keili Mistovich Keili Mistovich

Teaching Gratitude, Kindness, and Self-reflection

What would be a November blog without discussing giving thanks?  Many of us have heard about the benefits of keeping a Gratitude Journal where we can list all the things for which we are thankful.  This allows us to reflect on the positives in our lives. These journals have been shown to assist adults with mindfulness, a positive attitude, and general well-being.



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Keili Mistovich Keili Mistovich

Halloween time!

Fall is here!  Time for pumpkins, pumpkin spice everything, cooler weather, apple picking, and Halloween!  Let’s review some health and safety guidelines for all ages to make this a wonderful, safe Halloween for everyone!

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Andrew Hertz Andrew Hertz

Outdoor Play

Fall is here and the temperatures are cooling off, making it the perfect time to head outside!   Would you believe that on average, Americans spend a whopping 90% of their time indoors (1)? However, research has shown that there are many benefits to spending time outdoors, particularly for children.

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Keili Mistovich Keili Mistovich

Teaching Your Child Resiliency

Inspiring and developing resiliency in your child is one the key pillars of parenting today. So how do you do this?  To teach a child resilience, parents and caregivers should focus on developing skills and attitudes that enable them to adapt to challenges and thrive. Here are some strategies to foster resilience.

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Keili Mistovich Keili Mistovich

Fighting Back Against RSV in Kids!

Fall is here and that means crisp air, beautiful leaves, warm sweaters, pumpkin patches… and germs! That’s right! It’s that time of year when more and more people are coming down with colds and other viral illnesses. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is just one of those nasty bugs lurking within all of the fall splendor. RSV season typically lasts from fall through early spring. For most healthy children, RSV can present as a common cold. However, children with weakened immune systems or underlying medical conditions as well as young children and babies can become much sicker. In fact, RSV infections are the most common cause of hospitalization in children under one year old!

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Keili Mistovich Keili Mistovich

Getting Back into the School Routine

As it does every year, summer has flown by and school will soon be back in session. This can be a very difficult time for kids as they transition from the freedom that summer offers back to the structure of the school year. Here are a few tips to remember to help with a smoother beginning of the school year adjustment.

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Andrew Hertz Andrew Hertz

Bees, Wasps, and Yellow Jackets…. oh my!

Children are children, bugs are bugs and the two will frequently meet. During the late summer and early fall the stinging insects (hymenopterans) like bees, wasps, yellow jackets, fire ants, and hornets often become more aggressive, and stings become more common. Here are some helpful tips to minimize the impact of these stings for your family!

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Keili Mistovich Keili Mistovich

To Optimize Your Child’s Health, Learn to Avoid Ultra-processed Foods

We all have heard it:  We are what we eat. A healthy diet in childhood is a key to optimal growth and development, life-long healthy eating habits, and greatly reducing a person’s risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

In recent years we have done a great job decreasing childhood consumptions of some unhealthy foods (sugary drinks consumption is way down), but we are still challenged with the extremely unhealthy ultra-processed foods which now make up as much as two-thirds of the calories children eat. Let’s explore what are ultra-processed foods, why they are bad for children, and some healthy ways to avoid them

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Keili Mistovich Keili Mistovich

Parenting in the Age of Smartphones, Social Media, and Ubiquitous Screens: Conflicting Views. Yet Straightforward Recommendations.

I recently read Jonathan Haidt's book, “The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness,” in which he sheds light on the alarming mental health crises affecting today’s youth.

Haidt’s findings underscore a dramatic increase in mental health issues among teenagers and young adults, particularly since 2010. He attributes these eye-opening changes to smartphones, social media, and the resultant change in how children play. Yet not all experts agree with him. For balance, nuance, and to help you, I have read and listened to some of those opinions who disagree with Haidt.

So, what are parents to do? Let’s briefly walk through Haidt’s book, other opinions, and review sensible recommendations.

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Keili Mistovich Keili Mistovich

Screen Time and Your Child - Why and How to Manage:  Part 1

One of the most common concerns of parents today relates to managing the ever-present screens in our lives. This is an incredibly important topic for parents with children of all ages.

Part 1 of this series will focus on why screen time is a problem and offer general suggestions on its management. Part 2 of the series will focus on recommended apps and resources to help you choose the best age-appropriate apps for your child.

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Keili Mistovich Keili Mistovich

Urinary Symptoms in Your Child

Elimination patterns in children are often of concern to parents. Normal elimination patterns can be rather variable. Yet we all know that children should have regular bowel movements and urine production. This article will discuss normal and abnormal urinary habits and when you may want to call your pediatrician. 

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